Needs Driven Innovation with Dr. Rush Bartlett

Friday, September 10, 2021
12 – 1:30 PM

Virtual Event

The goal of translational research is to solve humanity’s problems with technology. However, many pitfalls cause amazing translational research to fail to be adopted by the commercial market.

Needs Driven Innovation is a methodology to find the best combination of unmet need and match that unmet need with the best possible solution – all without needing to know anything about the technology.

This workshop is based on the Stanford Biodesign process which, over the last 20 years, has resulted in over 2.7M patients helped by technologies invented by 161 Post-Doctoral graduates of the 1-year fellowship program. It will teach you the process of reducing your risk of project failure and increases the likelihood that you work on the most meaningful problem available to you in order to maximize positive impact on the world.